Hi, I’m Mollie

I’m a mum of two little ones, certified Hypnobirthing Coach and Birth Educator, and former NHS Midwife. My passion for supporting and educating parents-to-be has spanned over 10 years; from training and working as a Midwife on a high-risk labour ward, to having my own two home births, to now supporting hundreds of families as they prepare for the births of their babies. You could say I am a complete birth nerd, and I am very OK with that! 

I live in the Somerset countryside now, but I previously lived and worked as a Midwife by the seaside in East Sussex.

Preparing women and their birth partners for birth is my absolute passion. It feels like a total honour to support parents-to-be with something so personal, and something that I know makes a monumental difference to their experience. 

As well as supporting you, one of my main aims is to change the narrative that birth is something inherently dangerous and scary. The truth is, you have everything you need in you to give birth brilliantly already. Your body knows how to do it! My job is simply to unlock that knowing and help you regain the trust that women used to have in their bodies, to birth confidently, powerfully and without fear.

Another part of the work I do is facilitating you to create meaningful connections in pregnancy and beyond.

Pregnancy and new motherhood can be a stark learning curve and sometimes a lonely time, so I put as much energy as I can into holding space for Mothers, by connecting you so that you can build those bonds that will hopefully go on to support you through this wild ride we call motherhood.

My Hypnobirthing Journey

Early on in my midwifery training I witnessed Hypnobirthing women and was immediately captured by the sense of calm and control they had, even when it got tough. There was no sense of fear around them and they seemed incredibly in charge of their births, no matter what turns they took.

So, when I was pregnant with my first baby I knew this was something I wanted to try too. I was actually surprised at how much I gained from a Hypnobirthing course, even with my Midwifery background. I learnt to completely trust my body and my instincts, and break down my previous fears around giving birth.

Because of my preparation, I went on to have the most powerful and positive birth experience – a water birth at home with no intervention. I felt calm and so connected to my baby. I wanted to shout from the rooftops for weeks afterwards! I really couldn’t shake that feeling, so 19 months later I did it again

You can read my positive birth story here

Sharing my passion for positive, empowered birth was something I wanted to pursue further; so after a break from Midwifery to be at home with my two babies, in Feb 2022 I did my Hypnobirthing training and in June 2022 Mollie Meadows Birthing was born.

I am so happy that I have now turned my focus to empowering as many people as possible to have the birth they deserve, through antenatal education, support and preparation. My aim is to help you feel informed, calm and confident for the birth of your baby, however and wherever that may be.

My Mission

The knowledge, skills and transformation you will gain from a course is not only an investment in your birth, but also in the start of your parenting journey.

Having a positive experience can set you up for a smoother fourth trimester (the time where shit really gets real). We all know that pregnancy and birth can be unpredictable, and some things may be out of your control. But my aim is that after your course with me: 

My Mission

The knowledge, skills and transformation you will gain from a course is not only an investment in your birth, but also in the start of your parenting journey.

Having a positive experience can set you up for a smoother fourth trimester (the time where shit really gets real). We all know that pregnancy and birth can be unpredictable, and some things may be out of your control. But my aim is that after your course with me: 

  • You and your birth partner will have undergone a huge mindset transformation
  • You’ll have faith in your body’s incredible natural power to birth your baby
  • As a birth team you’ll be armed with tools and techniques for an easier, more comfortable birth
  • You’ll feel confident in navigating situations if your birth journey changes
  • You and your birth partner will feel self-assured to make the right decisions for you to birth on your own terms

Hypnobirthing can absolutely benefit all people, all types of births, in all birth places. This is not just for those wanting water births at home.

If you have any questions please do get in touch. I’m only a message away and I’d love to support you on your journey to birth.

Love Mollie x